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Friday 12 June 2015

Pending WSM interface (Resolving Period Close Pending Transaction R12 or Inventory Closing Steps in Oracle Apps R12 )

Pending WSM interface

To resolve transactions in the WSM interface, you need to determine and fix what is preventing a record from being processed through the WSM_SPLIT_MERGE_TXN_INTERFACE table.

The user inserts rows into WSM_SPLIT_MERGE_TXN_INTERFACE (WSMTI), WSM_STARTING_JOBS_INTERFACE (WSJI), and WSM_RESULTING_JOBS_INTERFACE (WRJI) tables. Transactions in WSMTI are joined with the transactions in WSJI and WRJI by the HEADER_ID column in these tables.

Errors and Validations:

Whenever any one-row errors out within a given group, the PROCESS_STATUS of the entire group is set to ERROR. But only the transactions that actually erred out will have the
ERROR_MESSAGE column containing the error message.

Errors and warnings, if any, will be written into the WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS table. Appropriate messages will be given in the parent and child

interface tables to refer to WSM_INTERFACE_ERRORS table when there is an error.

Resubmitting Pending WSM Interface transactions:

To resubmit the erred transactions for processing, the user has to rectify the error and change the PROCESS_STATUS of the required transactions from 3
(ERROR) to 1 (PENDING). Launching the concurrent process Import WIP Lot Transactions (Navigation path; Responsibility, Shop Floor Management > Run Request > Import WIP Lot Transactions) will process the records in the WSM_SPLIT_MERGE_TXN_INTERFACE table by Group_id.

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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1)


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